0 | Success | Success |
500 | Exception | Platform exception |
501 | ValidatationError | Input data validation error |
502 | InvalidReceivingAddress | Invalid address for receiving resources |
503 | InvalidResourceTypeParameter | Invalid resource type parameter |
504 | InvalidResourceValue | Invalid resource value parameter |
505 | InvalidRentTimeUnit | Invalid rent time parameter |
506 | InvalidRentalParameters | The rental parameters do not match the system settings, check the rental parameters using the "/v1/RentPrice/Get" method |
507 | InvalidRentDuration | Invalid rent duration |
508 | InvalidReceivers | Invalid settings of resource recipients |
509 | InsufficientAmountOnUserBalance | Insufficient amount of funds in the user's account, the order could not be created |
550 | OrderNotFound | Incorrect order number, order not found |
600 | InsufficientRemainingResources | Insufficient resources for rent |