Order data

order_nostringOrder number
resource_typeintegerResource type (0 ... Bandwidth, 1 = Energy)
receiversarrayRecipients to receive resources
      receive_addressstringResource receiving address
      resource_valueintegerThe number of resources to rent
      price_in_sunintegerPrice for rent in sun
      fixed_taxnumberFixed rental tax
      pricenumberPrice for rent
create_timetimestampDate and time of order creation, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
expire_timetimestampOrder expiration date and time, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
settle_addressstringPayer's address, we expect payment from this address
resource_valueintegerTotal number of resources for rent
resource_split_valueintegerSplitting the order
rent_durationintegerDuration of resource rental
rent_time_unitcharResource rental time unit
frozen_balancenumberResource value in frozen TRX
payment_addressstringThe address of the account to which the order is to be paid
pay_amountnumberTotal amount to be paid for the order
pay_timetimestampDate and time of payment of the order, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
refund_tx_idTXIDRefund payment identifier in the TRON network
refund_timetimestampDate and time of refund if the order has not been processed, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
refund_amountnumberAmount refunded if the order has not been processed
refund_statusstringStatus of the refund
statusstringOrder status
sub_orderarraySub order information
      order_nointegerSub order number
      resource_valueintegerThe number of resources to rent
      frozen_balancenumberResource value in frozen TRX
      freeze_timetimestampStart of transaction source delegation, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
      freeze_tx_idTXIDTransaction identifier of a resource delegate transaction in the TRON network
      unfreeze_timetimestampStart of transaction source undelegation, unix timestamp format in milliseconds
      unfreeze_tx_idTXIDTransaction identifier of a resource undelegate transaction in the TRON network
      statusstringSub order status